Reduce your IR35 risk
IR35 has been a major hassle for contractors for years and is a regular area of focus for HMRC crackdowns. See how we can help.
Under HMRC guidance, end-user clients are told to manage their own exposure to IR35 risk by only hiring compliant and reputable firms - something that is very difficult to demonstrate as a sole trader.
Primis Contractor Services takes care of IR35 compliance on your behalf, allowing end-clients and agencies to hire you through us as your umbrella company. We deal with your clients and agency where payments are concerned and ensure your contract stays on the right side of the IR35 rules.
You get peace of mind and access to clients who might otherwise be unable to hire you, due to their risk management and due diligence rules. And crucially, you're protected against the additional costs of IR35 as we ensure you pay the correct amount of tax whilst on assignment.

Primis takes care of IR35 compliance on your behalf, allowing end-clients to hire you through us as your Umbrella Company. We deal with your clients where payments are concerned and ensure your contract stays on the right side of the IR35 rules.
You get peace of mind and access to clients who might otherwise be unable to hire you, due to their risk management and due diligence rules. And crucially, you're protected against the additional costs of IR35.