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Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

Umbrella companies vs. PAYE


On the face of it, there might seem like little obvious difference between working under an umbrella company and paying PAYE (Pay As You Earn) income tax via an agency payroll.


But the repercussions for your financial circumstances can be significant, so it's worth taking the time to learn a little more about the differences between umbrella companies and PAYE.


For example, you could be missing out on tax-deductible pension contributions, the ability to claim back your business expenses, and the advantages of being in continuous employment on paper.


Gender Pay Gap Report Statement


Talascend Limited are an employer who are required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.


These regulations govern companies with over 250 employees to publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap.


The reports provide a snapshot of the differences between the average earnings of men and women employed by our company in regards to hourly pay and bonus payments.


To provide these reports, we have combined the data for our internal staff, our temporary workers (paid on behalf of our clients) and those employed under our umbrella payroll solution, Primis.


The rates for our temporary workers, and those employed under our umbrella payroll are set by our clients and other agencies. We employ individuals at different levels of seniority across many sectors and therefore rates of pay can vary substantially. These employees account for the majority of the data we are required to report, and as a result aren’t best representative of our own internal pay practises.


We continue to monitor our gender pay gap and are working with our clients to ensure all individuals, regardless of gender, are given the opportunities to develop their careers.


I can confirm that the calculations in our reports are accurate and have been produced in accordance with the Gender Pay Gap Reporting requirements as outlined in the legislation.


David Robertson

Managing Director


Hourly Pay Gap


The hourly gender pay gap shows the difference between the mean (average) and median (mid-point) pay rates of men and women, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.







Percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter














Women occupy 13.9% of the highest paid jobs and 18.5% of the lowest paid jobs.


Bonus Pay Gap


The bonus gender pay gap shows the difference between the mean (average) and median (mid-point) bonus payments of men and women, expressed as a percentage of men’s bonus earnings.







0.9% of the men in our business received bonus pay. No women received a bonus.


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